Shoalhaven Business Chamber

Business Details

The Shoalhaven Business Chamber (SBC) is a membership organisation consisting of members from the business, government, education, and not-for-profit sectors.

The three main functions of the Chamber are to foster the networking of business owners and managers, give the opportunity to business people to have access to pertinent educational opportunities and to lobby the three tiers of Government on issues affecting business sustainability and growth.

Through the energy of its committees and valued partnerships with a wide variety of organisations and advisory groups, the Chamber works on economic development, member services, community and quality of life issues.

We are devoted to promoting the interests of our members by assuming a proactive role in shaping the region’s dynamic business environment and making the Shoalhaven an exceptional place in which to reside, work and do business.

The Shoalhaven Business Chamber has grown to be one of the ten largest Business Chambers in the state. The chamber has formed an alliance with the Illawarra Business Chamber to provide joint benefits for both chambers on a larger scale.

Membership provides access to our Super Dinners,

Social Networks

Opening hours
Always open

Our Sponsors


Our Partners