Tomorrow's Heroes

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Ebony is one of our inaugural Gaining through Training graduates.

Ebony completed year 12 in 2023. During year 12 she continued working at Gwylo, she participated in the Long Lunch at the Stables, Willinga Park with Chef Peter Doyle. Ebony has emerged as a very talented front of house with outstanding feedback from all of her current employers. We are exciting to follow Ebony’s journey in her hospitality career.

What inspires you to pursue Hospitality as a Career Path?
Suits the way I learn and I perform at work.  I like consistency and being busy all the time.  I like restaurants and working at Gwylo and here at Altar Bar.  Its being occupied all the time that suits me, its just how I function.  It’s a different type of thinking than at school, and I think a lot of kids who struggle at school, really suit the hospitality industry way of working, its very practical and working with your hands. I like being busy and doing multiple things at any time which is what hospitality is.   I chose Hospitality as a VET subject and saw the opportunity to do the Gaining Through Training when Di introduced the opportunity to us at school.  I thought why not, it gave me the opportunity work at the events at Willinga Park and  Milton Pub, which I thought would be more work experience.  Up until then, I had worked in the kitchen at Flour Water Salt Bakery. So to be able to experience what we did in fine dining at Willinga was amazing.

Hospitality suits the way my brain functions. I know its not just a job, the industry has huge opportunities.

Why did you want to work in your workplace?
I am very proud of all the places I work in Gwylo, Altar Bar and the Flour Water Salt bakery.  I was introduced to Matt and Hayley at Gwylo, through the project.  I straight away thought I really like this place, it just made me want to work there.   I love that things are done a certain way, we have to work following a procedure and I really like that a lot.  I was doing pretty well at school, not so well at exams and study. 

At school I wasn’t sure who I was,  working at Gwylo, I was getting responsibility and it was a great way to make money.   I was proud of the place I was working at, I wanted to be part of and keep that reputation both at Gwylo and working here at Altar Bar.  Matt and Hayley have been so supportive, looked after all of us like a family, has been an amazing place to work and enter the industry, because you are part of a great team. Matt inspires all the team and boys in the kitchen.  We call Matt and Hayley - Mum and Dad at work.  Matt is always checking your doing okay, the boys all look up to him. He is like a dad, hard on them but rewards them when its time to. They both give you all the love and support you need.  So many young people here doing their apprenticeships and part time work. Tom here at the Altar Bar is similar and has made me feel at home.

What is your job title?
Front of House, Waitress.  I did work back of house at Flour Water Salt and loved baking as well, love cooking, and I do like learning and using technical skills.

Where do you want your career choice to take you in the next five years?
I have many ideas, it may be environmental management, working on a  Cattle station, travel and working, possibilities are open.  Not wanting to go straight to uni.  I have already been looking at visa applications to travel.  I really can’t see myself at this stage going to university. 

Right now, I do want to step up to the next level and build on what reputation I have, because having pride in our work is really important, you see that in people that do well, they have  a lot of pride in their work.   A lot of people feel  hospitality is just a job, see waitressing as something that doesn’t have bigger opportunities, but it  actually does.  Leads to many opportunities. Hospitality is so much more and an industry we rely on in our community.

What is the best part of your job?
Building confidence, meeting  people, being part of a team, communicating.  I’m a talker and like talking to people.  I know building on  these skills that I have and am still learning, I can take into other industries if I want to.  The confidence it has built in me has motivated me to look at working overseas. 

What I really love about Gwylo is that it is table service and really enjoy that part of the job.  I love table service at Gwylo  well as Altar Bar.  It’sa about getting to know your food and the product really well. That is one of Matt’s biggest things,  really knowing the dish, the product.  Not everyone understands food and I love giving guidance and explanation of the food and how it interacts. I love our food ,enjoy eating it and am proud of it, so I enjoy talking about it. The reaction you get from our customers when you talk about it just makes me feel that I am doing my job right. You see they really enjoyed that and I gave them that opportunity because I told them about it.  Many people don’t really know food and working with Gwylo and The Altar Bar has helped me learn so much more about food – how it tastes, how the different flavours interact, so when you give them that information you guide them to make their choices and enjoy the experience. Its great to make them feel good and experience, rather than just presenting the meal. Its really about the relationships.

I also like working at Weddings and functions with Hayles, don’t know why, I just do.   I like making sure things are a certain way, setting up. This skill can also help you to travel.

What is your least favourite part of the job?
I just like working, can’t say there is anything really. I like to support other team members when there is conflict and turn the situation around.  Customers can be challenging at times with young people and managing this customer service challenge is one I enjoy. I am a bit protective of others and like to step in to protect others in the team. Sometimes expectations from the customer can be unrealistic. So I think, I’m going to treat you like my best customer and try and turn this around.

How important is it to look the part (your personal presentation) in your job role?
People are so pedantic about food, about hygiene so you need to look part as you are judged by the way you look. Its important to have cleanliness in your presentation because you are presenting food.  Poor personal presentation does not showcase the food in the best way.  Upholds the reputation of the restaurant and you build a relationship with the customer.  So make sure my hair is done, my face is clean, everything is ironed, presentable and appropriate.

What is the most important thing you have to remember when you start your shift?
Clocking in, make sure your early, put your things away, be ready to go mentally. Always go say hi to everyone first, go in the kitchen and see how they’re doing, debrief whats happening.  Get a sense of how the team is, what everyone’s mood is, ensure everyones capacity is for the night,  are there any special needs.

Go straight to the lead and check on whats happening, who is coming in, where the guests are, what big tables are where.  Where my tables are.

How has the Gaining through Training experience (The Industry tours, work experience, TAFE training) helped you with your journey so far?
An opportunity to gain work experience.  It gave me another sense of what else there is and the possibilities/opportunities.  Helped break down the barriers to approach other places to work.  Meeting Hayley and Matt at Gwylo was great.

Doing the events at Willinga Park with Peter Doyle, and Milton Hotel gave me great experience and exposure to potential employers. It was a perfect try before you buy. Gave a great led experience into working in the industry with our best chefs.

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