Shoalhaven Hospitality Heroes

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Scott is Chief Operating Officer of South Coast Mariculture (the producer of Jervis Bay Mussels).

What is your job title and tell us about your business?
As Chief Operating Officer of South Coast Mariculture (the producer of Jervis Bay Mussels) Scott is always up and about. From the processing facility to engaging with the farm team and meeting with suppliers and customers alike, his focus is to ensure that the growing practices and products are as innovative, sustainable and delicious as possible.

How did your career begin?
Beginning his career in prawn farming before establishing himself in the seafood sales and marketing business, Scott has seen all sides of the industry. Through this time, his passion for sustainability has only developed, and being able to grow Jervis Bay Mussels, a truly local, zero input protein has been a career highlight.

What drives your passion?
Sustainability has always been at the forefront of my mind and I’m so proud to be involved in growing a food that plays an important role in how we feed ourselves for the future. It’s really exciting being able to move the farm to zero waste and always looking for ways to innovate our packaging and processes.

What has been a highlight for you since South Coast Mariculture has been operating?
Being able to watch the growth of the company in such a short period of time, yes from a production side, but mostly in building up a community of great people. Not only seeing the opportunities created for staff, but seeing how the community itself has embraced us. It’s a very special feeling to see Jervis Bay Mussels on the menus of local restaurants.

What does it mean to be a local producer in the Shoalhaven?
We are really lucky to be working in such an incredible (outrageously beautiful) environment, there aren’t many producers who have the honour of operating in a marine park, something that’s not lost on us. To be able to grow and supply one of the few truly local and sustainable proteins to the community is incredibly rewarding.

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