Homegrown Heroes

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Paul is the Head Chef, at Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre.

What is your job title and where are you based?
My position is Head Chef, at Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre.

Where did you go to school?
I attended Vincentia High School.

Where did you train?
Tafe NSW, Bomaderry Campus.

And what was your first job in hospitality?
Kitchenhand and Rouseabout. Bewong Roadhouse, back in 1999.

What is the highlight of your career?
My highlight would be the people I have met and friends I have made throughout my career.
I have made lifelong friends from all walks of life in our industry.
We are a special bunch in Hospitality, we care for each other and give our best to our work and what we do for our guests.

What drives your passion?
Customer and colleague satisfaction and enjoyment are what drive my passion in the industry.
Hospitality can be tough on its staff. We also give a lot personally to achieve our goals in hospitality and to be customer focused.
I like to see staff and our customers enjoying, experiencing, and learning in the environments we create in our industry.

Your career has led you to travel and explore the possibilities in hospitality, what brought you back home?
After traveling, It is then you really appreciate what we have here on the South Coast. Our local hospitality industry has grown so much in the time I have been part of it.
Partly due to the industry talent we have nurtured, exported and return. Partly due to the recognition of this by the customers discovering and returning to our region.

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